Who's Who?
Why Theory?
* BrainAids
* Theme
Wall Chart
AcroMaps |
ROM (rawm) is an acronym for Read Only Memory. Off/on switch patterns in ROM are preset and fixed in position by the manufacturer. Some ROM chips contain basic startup instructions that are activated each time you turn on the computer. Other ROM chips contain instructions for operating certain devices, like your monitor. These instructions are put into ROM because it's quicker than having to go out and get them from the disk every time they're needed. ROM Features Read Only |
Non-Volatile Just as volatile means temporary (see RAM), non-volatile means permanent. The switches in ROM are "hardwired" or fixed in position. No power is required to hold its switches On. |
ROM vs. CD-ROM PROM (prawm) |
Imagine a factory worker setting switches in a PROM to OFF and ON. Imagine a second worker pouring "Glue" from a bucket over the PROM switches. Now visualize the switches in the finished ROM chip permanently "glued" in position. Note: This procedure is done electronically, not with glue! Remember, most BrainAids are make believe. | |
Computer Hardware AcroMap --4 of 5 TermsAdd the new terms to your memory banks. Can you verbally recite what each acronym represents? Observe that ct and ID appear in all three chip types.