Math Fun Photos
Addition Andy Subtraction Sam Multiplication Morris

Subtraction Sam

Addition Andy These are just a few of Max's special guests who help him make math come alive!

Multiplication Morris

Fraction Frank
Division Dietrich

Fraction Frank

Algebra Al Jabr


Division Dietrich



Although Max retired from the seminar business,
 you might enjoy these photos from years past.

Max convinces students they must "leap over" the Math Wall to succeed.
Max urges students to "leap over" the Math Wall to succeed.

Skit participants grab cool prizes from the Mystery Math Bag!
Skit participants grab cool prizes from the Mystery Math Bag!

If you get the problems right, the teacher must give you an A!

Addition Andy and helper show that Addition Attaches.
Addition Andy and helper show that Addition Attaches.

Subtraction Sam teaches accomplice that Subtraction Steals!
Subtraction Sam teaches accomplice that Subtraction Steals!

Multiplication Morris proving to assistant that Multiplication Magnifies!
Multiplication Morris proving to assistant that Multiplication Magnifies!

Division Deitrich & Igor demonstrate that Division Dissolves!
Division Deitrich & "Igor" demonstrate that Division Dissolves!

Max's identical twin cousin, Mike, retired from the
tutoring business, but he sure enjoyed helping his students
(and sometimes their parents) have fun with math!






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